Monday, November 05, 2007

Trick or Treat?

11:50 pm on the eve of Halloween, the stretch of M.Y. Orosa St. in Malate is temporarily closed to vehicular traffic to make way for the street party sponsored by several establishments there to celebrate Halloween- Philippine style.

The place is full of people, young and old alike complete with costumes dancing to rave and techno music coming from the 4 huge Pioneer speakers strategically located on the sides of the streets. The place is one chaotic scene with people soaked in a weird concoction of drugs, booze and sweat while gyrating to the beat of the strobes and music in wild abandon!

On the corner of my eye I saw Medusa the Gorgon nibbling on cheese sticks and hotdog while holding a bottle of Corona and swaying to the noise of Limp Bizkit. I puffed on my last stick of cigarette and flipped the stub on the ground as I made my way to the sea of sweaty bodies with a bottle of San Miguel Super Dry in hand.

I said hi to Medusa and she reciprocated with a mysterious and mischievous smile.

The music was very loud that makes any formal conversation impossible. So, we contented ourselves with just looking into each other’s eyes while dancing and shouting at the top of our lungs with the angry Eminem, this time.

After what it seems like an eternal orgy of loud music, crooked limbs and frowning faces, she gestured for me to buy her a drink. So I went to the bartender and ordered a Margarita and snaked my way back to where I left her and slipping 3 colored pills and 2 E pills into the Margarita in the process.

I gave her the drink and watch her eyes and body as she metamorphosed into a wild and deadly Gorgon as the effects of the pills suddenly flushed all her inhibitions into the wayside.

She gyrates and twirls and turns to the sound and beat of techno music like a maniac throwing whatever cautions that left in her systems to the wind!

Right there in the middle of the sea of human flesh I unhooked her bra and began to lick her nipples. Then I managed to rip her undies with my right hand and finger-fucked her under her skirt while my eyes started to look around to see if anybody was aware of what we were doing. Seeing that nobody’s ogling on us, I unzipped my pants and slid my dong behind her and fucked her wet pussy.

The whole world exploded into a kaleidoscope of colors as I climaxed inside her right in the middle of the street with nobody among the hundreds or so of warm and sweaty bodies giving us any particular attention.

We then made our way to the bartender and bought another round of Margarita. I managed to slip another 5 colored pills into her drink without her noticing it.

As she put the lip of the glass into her red-hot and luscious lips I excused myself to go to the john. Instead I went back to the dance floor and watch her collapse into the hands of the startled bartender.

Trick or treat?

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